The qualification has been created to develop and reward the business managers of today and the future, and to continue to bring recognition and professionalism to the management sectors. We hope that centres and learners take the opportunity to learn a great deal from this programmes that will provide relevant new skills and qualities. It is envisaged that this programme will encourage both academic and professional development so that you learners move forward to realise not just their own potential but also that of organisations across a broad range of sectors.
- Managing Business Operations
- Business Environment
- Personal Effectiveness
- The Entrepreneurial Manager
- Business Planning and Goal Setting
- The Manager’s Toolkit
- Managing and Using Finance
- Managing and Using Marketing
- Psychology of Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Creativity
Contact us for the fees and the payment plan
- WhatsApp: +447599909996
Entry to the qualification will be through centre interview and learners will be expected to hold the following:
- demonstrated some ability and possess qualifications at Level 3, for example ‘A’ Levels or vocational awards;
- spent some time in an organisational role and shown they have capability and drive to develop
- seeking further professional development and to gain work related skills and know-how.
Fill enrolment form on-line at
email the below documents to
- Complete Applications Form
- passport
- Previous qualifications
- CV
- Personal Statement